Properties of Soil

Concept Explanation

Properties of Soil

Properties of Soil:  Soil has special properties which determine different soil types. These properties are: (a) absorption of water in soil (b) moisture in the soil, and (c) percolation rate of water in soil.

1. Absorption of Water in Soil:

The plants that grow in soil require water to grow. If the soil can hold water, the plants will grow well. If the soil does not hold water, the plants would need frequent watering or they would die.

  • The amount of water a particular type of soil can absorb is its water absorption tendency.
  • Higher the absorption of water by soil, higher is its availability to plants.
  • 2. Moisture in the Soil:

    When you take a bit of soil and heat it in a test tube, you will see tiny droplets of water condensing near the mouth of the test tube.

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